Hello stranger.
I’m a Junior Professor (Assistant Professor) in Analytical International Politics at the University of Mannheim. Previously, I was a research fellow in Peace Studies at Lady Margaret Hall at the University of Oxford and a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oslo. I hold a Ph.D. in Political and Social Science from the European University Institute in Florence. Additionally, I was a member of the external doctoral school of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). Previously, I worked as a Protection of Civilians Officer at the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
My academic interests are within the realm of peace and conflict studies. I focus on micro-dynamics of political violence and the subsequent role of humanitarian organizations and peacekeepers in armed conflicts. I also investigate the climate-conflict-peacebuilding nexus by analyzing how peacebuilding communities in the Sahel and East Africa are addressing climate change-related threat multipliers during conflicts. Methodologically, I combine causal modeling of spatial conflict event data with qualitative methods, such as fieldwork interviews and process tracing. I have a keen interest in applying innovative methods from geosciences and remote sensing and combining these methods with field research.
My previous experience includes working with local NGOs in Ethiopia and Ghana, with the UN Secretariat in New York, and as a media designer. This is why I am currently also specializing in information visualization. There is a huge need for data to be presented in a way that is understood by experts and non-experts alike.
I hold an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Oslo and a BA in Political Science, Law, and Islamic Studies from the University of Zurich.